We’ve seen them go on, long after they should stop
Wrestling with twenty-year-old keys
Jubilee legends of pop
But, summoned by Royal command,
Lords, knights – Sir ‘this’ and ‘that’ –
Pensioners to a man, they all turn up
Lapels sharp. Vocals flat.
Thin, wheezy
no longer soaring
High notes not quite made
Sweat glands pouring
We’ve seen them, thick below, thin on top
Wrinkled, hair-dyed, botoxed up
We’ve seen them – why don’t they stop?
Retire, while we still love you!
Jubilee Legends of pop
You’ve made your millions,
strutted your stuff
Still you carry on cavorting
short of puff.
But then, a revelation! The joker of the crop
The man in black
We’ve seen you, ladies, how he caught you on the hop
Awakening youthful fantasies
This legend of pop
Grizzled grey – twinkling eyes
A phe-nom-e-non
And that voice from the valleys
Re-born, sexy as ever, the great Sir Tom
The magic’s lasted – no need
to question how
Once you threw your knickers –
who’s to say you wouldn’t now?
June 2012